Entries by cvandemark

Self- Massage

Self-massage We can convey so much tenderness through touch yet our hands are also quite powerful. Consider getting in the habit of knowing where the sore spots in your body are. Many people have no idea that such places are present, until they explore and make these valuable discoveries. Yogic medicine (Ayurveda), the earliest form […]

Intention Setting

Intention Setting Whether or not we are conscious of our intentions, they continually shape our reality. Intention setting is often confused with goal or resolution, but discerning the difference is an essential teaching. Intention setting is oriented to the mechanics of the fulfillment of the desire that is motivating our goal. Our intention describes how […]

Breath Massage to your Pelvis

Breath Massage to Your Pelvis This practice is best performed in a reclined or semi-reclined position with support of a blanket under the low back and pelvis. Begin by observing your breath, however you are breathing now. Shift your attention to your navel and feel how the navel falls and rises as breath moves out […]

Breathing To Your Spine

Breathing to Your Spine This is best practiced in a reclined or semi reclined position, but can also be done seated. Assume your most comfortable position. Begin by bringing your attention to however your body is moving, just as you are breathing now. Initially, there is no need to change anything. Just tune in. Now […]

Compassion Meditation

Compassion Meditation These times cry out for compassion. Take 5 minutes to generate self-compassion, in a spirit of service of all. Pause from whatever you are doing and feel your feet firmly on the ground. Turn your palms up and focus your gaze upon your hands while you take five, slow breaths: COUNT exhale one, […]

Minding Your Mind

Minding Your Mind Sometimes we feel the urge to take our minds off of our challenges. Neuroscientists have discovered distracted minds can make us feel unhappy, yet knowingly allowing the mind to wander is instrumental in generating creativity. Learning to recognize which state of mind you are in can be a useful practice. Each time […]

Savor the Moment

Savor the Moment Gaze upon something you find beautiful in nature or notice the aroma of that first cup of tea or coffee, or appreciate the way a long-time clothing companion feels to wear it. No need to look far as we can take opportunity in the everyday things. Once you make a choice on […]

What’s Happening?

What’s Happening? Consider yourself a happening as your body-mind really is changing from moment to moment with each new breath and heart-beat. To experience your happening, start with stopping! In whatever position you are in, pause and notice any sensations from your body that may signal need for rest, support, nourishment or activity. No need […]

Kindly Anchoring Your Attention

Kindly Anchoring Your Attention Training attention is a skill you can build with regular practice. Select any object around you at this moment and anchor your attention on it for the next 5 minutes. Keep your eyes on the object. (your hands are a convenient object) Be kind when your notice your mind repeatedly wanders […]