Balance Activity & Rest

Balance Activity & Rest

Our body is designed for cycles movement and recovery to rest and replenish. When we disturb these cycles with either excessive activity or inactivity, our body systems cannot function optimally.

Physical activity guidelines for Americans set 30 minutes of moderate intensity daily activity for 5 of every 7 days in a week as a minimum target, with double this amount (300 minutes) as a recommended dose of physical activity.

Rest is the opposite of activity. True relaxation involves non-doing, something most Westerners are unfamiliar with practicing. Sleep of at least 6 hours per night for adults appears to be an important threshold for well-being.

Begin to notice when your body is signaling you to move if you have been still for too long, or to stop and do nothing for a bit if you have been continuously active to let your nervous system reset its activity/rest cycle.